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Kadang-kadang setiap kata yang dikeluarkan itu dapat menggembirakan mereka
dan kadang-kadang setiap tutur kata kita boleh mengguris hati mereka tanpa kita sedari
tidak semua orang dapat memahami maksud sebenar yang ingin disampaikan
dan tidak semua orang dapat memahami cara kita bertutur
namun kita tidak boleh mengharapkan supaya mereka sentiasa memahami kita
dan sama juga dengan mereka
setiap manusia di muka bumi ini dilahirkan tidak sesempurna baginda
jadi seharusnya kita saling memahami diantara satu sama lain.




This movie are so awesome !
I really like it !
their dancer, their art are so pretty nice !
I don’t have much to say,
But I suggest you to take a chance to watch this movie.
I am sure that you will not regret if you watch this movie.
U can learn something from this movie.
This movie show you the meaning of strange, friendship and love.
Seriously THE MOB is the superb group of dancer.
Don’t miss the time to watch it !
I give ten star for this movie !

Otak Beku,

A little bit stress,

Hari neyh ade test CTU,
Aku tak study ape pown ? acane nak jawab neyh ?
Cane ? cane ? OH MY MOM ! help me please ?
Haish, nasib baik UJ bermurah hati nak share ilmu dengan aku,
Thanks you, thanks you so much ! Thanks to Myient and Wafa jugak !
Thanks ebab sanggup terangkan dekat aku sampai aku faham and hafal.
I’m really appreciate it. :D
Dengan penuh yakin aku rase aku boleh jawab test itu.
Tapi . . . . .
Bile Ustaz bukak soalan tue, aku jadi blank ?
Kenape ? Kenape soalan taka de satu pown yang ade kene mengene dgn ape yg aku belaja tadi ?
KENAPE ?????
At last, satu soalan pown aku tak dapat jawab dengan betul ! Haish
Entah ape yang aku merepek pown tak tawu lah !

Memorandum =)

Kisah Kita, <3
Today is the very happiness day for me!
Do you know why?
Because Cik Bella is coming! :D
Do know who is she to me?
Of course you don’t know right? HaHa
She is my very awesome sister ever!
It’s been a very long time I never see her after my last holiday to JB, since 2009!
OMG! It has been 3years already.
She always stay by my side whenever I need someone to talk with eventhough she is not here in front of me but she always keep in touch with me.
She is so caring about me.
She takes a good care of me just like her own sister.
I’m proud to have her as my sister, because she is so stronger no matter she is in what condition.
She teach me a lot about life, she teach me how to be stronger in life.
She teaches about people around us, there are so many types of people in this world which sometime they can be our friend but also be our enemy sometime.
I want to say thank you so much to her because she never tired to treat me well. J